The one thing you do need to complete this ingenious project is enough ceiling height. A standard 8 or 9 foot ceiling just won't be enough to achieve this design project.
You could use the same design idea in a room with less ceiling height but it may end up looking just like a modified bunk bed arrangement. So, if you have high celings...read on.
This design is not accomplished by going out to buy the furniture pieces, but it does not seem too difficult to make. Perhaps you can hire a handy-man to build it for you. A goof handy-man can just look at the picture and know exactly what to do.
Something interesting to note - take a look at how there is carpet covering the stairs. It just seems like the best way to go so the kids won't slip on the stairs. Carpet will always be better than a slippery surface - even wood can be slippery. If it looks too much like the cat's play stairs, well then don't do carpet. You could always buy some stick-on non-slip material for the the stair steps.
Also notice that the picture shows a sofa on the first level, but that could always be a bed or even a play area. You can always combine a sleep and play are into one room. How's that for saving space? However you creatively decide to divide the room, you will be using maximum advantage of minimum space. Its a two for one sale of sorts. You get one room with two uses. Not bad for the daunting task of using space wisely.